Once you have purchased a course for a group, you will need to assign the course to each user.
Click Dashboard -> My Purchases
Your purchases display shows every purchase you’ve made and their status. Group purchases indicate how many seats are available and have an orange Manage Users button.
Click "Manage Users" to take you to the group management form.
Assign seats by clicking the Add User button. In the popup window, enter the user’s email address and first and last names. Click submit to assign that user to the course. If "Notify User" is checked, the user will receive an email notifying them of the assignment and provide instructions on accessing the course.
Assigned users are displayed on the registration form. If you have a large number of users, you can use the filters to narrow down the list.
The actions button with the X allows you to remove a user from the course, as long as they haven’t started it. The button with the envelope resends the notification email if the user needs it again.